- Novel and emerging technologies for food processing
- Innovations in Food
- Meat Science and Technology
- Processing of horticultural products
- Dairy technologies and processes
- Bakery and pastry trends and innovation
- Occupational Health and Safety in agrifood industry
- Energy Efficiency
- Organizational Management
- ICT in AgriFood industry
- Food Safety and Security
- Waste reduction and sustainability
- Entrepreneurship
- Knowledge transfer, Skills and Qualifications
+AGRO 2018 “Scientific Sessions” details:
- Food technology: Dicussion on food handling techniques, food processing and Equipment, ranging from pure research, practical experiments, technical improvement and engineering practices.
- Food innovations: new product development, new processing, preservation and packaging techniques.
- Meat Science and Technology: This track explores the emerging science and technolgy, methods, and trends pertinent to meat and/or poultry-processing.
- Processing of horticultural products: Horticultural are very perishables products. Different technologies and methods within processing and storage help reducing its wastage and provide new products with increased market value.
- Dairy technologies and processes: This track discusses method, procedures, techniques and technologies to improve processing and preservation of milk and the development of milk products (cheese, butter, ghee, curd, buttermilk, yogurt, paneer, condensed milk, ice cream, etc).
- Bakery and pastry trends and innovation: Basic trends in bread, bakery, and pastry innovation are discussed, showing the advances in processes, techniques and technologies leading to improve market and health.
- Occupational Health and Safety in AgriFood Industry: This track is devoted to analyse and discuss OSH topics in handling, preparation and storage of food.
- Energy Efficiency:
- Organizational Management: Perspective of managerial problems confronting firms in the agrifood industry, discussing the increasing interdependence among such companies and focusing on creating consumer value.
Other Features in planning:
- Technical workshops on computational tools developed in the +AGRO project for occupational risk assessment, energy efficiency analysis, industrial management improvement.
- Invited keynote and international presentations on the current status of food processing industry and future system techonologies directions.
- It is being defined a Special Issue of an International Journal to include extended versions of the conference papers.
- Poster session to promote student participation.
- Social events to promote new contacts.